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How to remove the top 5 Carpet Stains?

How to remove the top 5 Carpet Stains?

How to remove the top 5 Carpet Stains?

Your soft plush carpet can rapidly become an eyesore when you do not know how to remove stains. Accidents can happen at any time, even when you are careful. People can walk into your home and track dirt on your carpet, kids can bring their own set of messes and drinks can get spilt. Keeping this in mind, here are the top five stains that Misha Carpet Steam Cleaning Melbourne encounter and how to remove them.

Red Wine Stain

Someone can drop a glass of red wine onto your light-coloured carpet. Do not panic if this happens; you can use a paper towel or damp cloth to blot the spill. Try to remove as much wine as you can. Dilute the remaining wine with cold water using a towel or cloth. Before you apply carpet stain remover, test the carpet for colour fastness. Choose a small hidden spot, like under your sofa, then test it with the stain remover. If there is no change after some few minutes, then you can proceed.

Coat the stain with enough stain remover, and wait for at least five minutes before you blot again using another damp cloth or towel with cold water. Repeat this process if necessary. It will take many rounds when it comes to stubborn stains.

Coffee Stain

If not treated properly, coffee stains can leave your carpet looking filthy. This yellowish-brown tone can be mistaken as a pet mess. To eliminate coffee stains, you can follow these tips.

  • Use a dry white towel to dry the spot. If the spillage has covered a large area, try not to spread the stain further by changing cloths because they get saturated with beverage.
  • Take vinegar, a gentle, non-bleach detergent and water and mix them. Use the spritzer technique; rinse and repeat the procedure.
  • Look for a suitable cleaner to remove this kind of carpet stain.
  • Perform a patch test to ensure no damage from chemicals present themselves. Some chemicals can harm your skin, so you should wear gloves when using stain removing products and follow all instructions.
  • Some types of carpets, like Polypropylene, respond safely to a stain treatment of bleach and water. Take a spray bottle and mix one-quarter cup of bleach with one-quarter of water. Soak with this mixture, then blot and rinse with warm water. Repeat until the coffee stain disappears.

Pet Stain

Pet owners face the challenge of having to clean up a mess from their lovely pet. This is often frustrating. Fortunately, there are substances and methods that you can use to rid the odour acquainted with that kind of accidents and completely remove the carpet stains. Use the following tips if you want to remove pet stains from your carpet.

  • Clean up the mess; if your carpet has debris, use gloves to pick it up and dispose of it. Use the blot method to remove wet debris by soaking up the moisture without rubbing or smearing. Blot repeatedly until your carpet is almost dry and pet stain is removed.
  • If the pet stain has dried on your carpet fibres, moisten the carpet stain. The next step is applying a carpet stain remover formulated for pet stains.
  • If you want to neutralise the spot and odour, use white wine or white vinegar. Mix one-quarter cup of vinegar with 1.13 litres of warm water, then spritz on the pet stain. Let the vinegar spray soak for a few minutes before proceeding with the blot method until the carpet stain has been removed and the spot is dry.
  • Alternatively, you can mix 1.13 litres of warm water with stain-fighting laundry detergent put in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the spot, and allow it to soak for several minutes. Blot and rinse with warm water. Repeat as necessary.


If someone nosebleeds or gets injured in your home, treat the blood stains as soon as possible. Use cold water to prevent the blood stain from coagulating and entering the carpet fibres. Take 2 tsp grease-fighting dish detergent and a bottle of cold water and mix them. Spray the mixture on the carpet stain. With the bloodstain soaked, take paper towels and blot up the blood. Spray and blot repeatedly until the stain is gone.

Ink Stain

Ink stains can wreak havoc on carpets and fabrics, and even cause destruction without recourse. Luckily, with technology, there are now ways to eliminate ink carpet stains. You can remove nasty ink stain using some handy household products and quick reflexes.

  • Dampen a white cloth using isopropyl alcohol. Dab the wet cloth on your stained carpet. Do not scrub or rub as this can make the ink spot spread. Allow it to stand for several minutes, then take a liquid friendly vacuum and use it to remove any excess moisture.
  • Use alcohol again to treat the ink carpet stain. Some nail polish removers, hairsprays work and other items with high contents of alcohols may also work. You can even use vinegar and white wine.
  • When you are using these chemicals, make sure you rinse with water and vacuum dry or blot until the spot is dry.
  • Perform a test on any area of your carpet that’s not conspicuous to ensure these cleaning products won’t result in further damage on your carpet.

A dingy look and general dirt can be completely removed with the services of Misha Carpet Steam Cleaning Melbourne. They can eliminate carpet stains as well as remove odours from your carpet and prevent carpet stains from coming back as they start wicking up from your carpet padding. You’ll also prolong your carpet’s life when you choose to invest in regular steam cleaning. Please contact us to schedule an appointment and have your carpet cleaned and restored.

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